Biodiversity restoration project started

The House Reef fringing, the Red Sea Marine Academy | Experimental Research Center, is a perfect testing ground for our biodiversity restoration project. With many impacts, such as heat, pollution, siltation and derived effects, the challenge is immense, the daily stress on the fauna and flora is palpable...

Only a few weeks ago, last September, a heatwave, and algae bloom devastated the colonies of Acropora corals, and put immense stress on the biodiversity, of the house-reef. The team, has now 1 year, to find solutions to these recurring heatwaves, and subsequent coral bleaching events. The race is on!

The program since it's preparatory phases during last summer, is still in the mapping and cleaning phase of the project. The extensive accumulation, of trash during decades, led our team to recover approximately 7 tons of trash (since May 2021). A large quantity of that trash is now, being stored; to be part of our recycling programs.

This project is part of the GOBLU3 Vision, developed by THEOCEANROAMER, for the IADP-DIVEPROFESSIONALS.The experimental research, we will be implementing; will serve as a new benchmark, in reef biodiversity restoration; from the frontlines of Ocean warming for the world. The research will be shared as a course, in the form of e-learning instructional episodes, and DIY articles to various platforms.

This program is run under the auspices and on location at the Red Sea Marine Academy of the Red Sea University's, faculty of Marine Sciences, and Fisheries.

Don't forget, also you can make a difference, and donate to this project by clicking here.

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