NAUI NL Course Directors and Trainers, donate a 1000$ worth of products

NAUI Nederland CD and Trainers sponsor #OPREDSEA educational project in Port Sudan.

Our Christmas present came early last year, when ex NAUI colleagues Mr. Lukas van der Staak and Mr. Rick Veldman both NAUI Trainer and Course Director respectively, announced that they would support the setup of our NAUI Courses to the OC3ANCLUB, which has as mission to provide low cost scuba education, at the Red Sea Marine Academy & Experimental Research Center.

"NAUI is one of the oldest and most respected diver training organizations worldwide, active since 1960.naui Well respected for it's high academic values and more advanced skills practice from beginner level onwards. The low certification costs, educational systems are a perfect match for running our OC3ANCLUB Dive courses." - H.Hemmerechts

Courses from beginner to dive master levels will start from February onwards, from the Red Sea Marine Academy's location in Port Sudan. Under the leadership of ex. Area Rep for North Africa Mr. Henri Hemmerechts NAUI #18635. Who will also in the next months, upgrade his designation to Course Director again. 


Students are now able to start with NAUI E-Learning courses, straight away!

Rick and Lukas, really setup the foundation for us being able to teach NAUI curriculums, in Port Sudan. Thank you Rick, Lukas and the NAUI NL members!
We look forward on finding more ways to collaborate, in the future, thus stay tuned. 

More information soon on THEOC3ANCLUB.COM

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