Creating concepts that are not only economically sustainable, but more importantly bringing a positive environmental impact. As a tourism - marine consulting and project management company, profit comes from numerous realized projects, continuous market observations and excellent international contacts.

Sustainability has become an integral part of the tourism industry. Guests expect it and nature requires it!

You have to carefully treat resources, optimize operating costs, and take socio-cultural aspects into consideration

- not only during construction, as our project team already implements during the planning phase, but also in the operative implementation. In addition to detailed sustainability advice, a certification also provides transparency and safety.
We can offer the following services in this area:


With a sustainability analysis our customers get a quick overview of the current status and all activities, which are required to attain a sustainable water front property.


Support in the registration as a Green Globe member

Information on the criteria and explanations

Check of the Green Globe criteria catalog during a full-day audit with inspection of the water front and beach facilities.

discussions with the hotel management and employees, and the drawing up of a criteria list

Environmental Awareness and proper natural resources management: Guests expect it and nature requires it for long term sustainability.

You have to carefully treat resources, optimize operating costs, and take socio-cultural aspects into consideration - not only during construction, as our project team already implements during the planning phase, but also in the operative implementation.

In addition to detailed sustainability advice, a certification also provides transparency and safety.The hotel, marine and tourism industries are among the most dynamic economic sectors and the industry is experiencing continuous change. As more and more destinations, hotels and their "House Reefs" are impacted by over-exploitation, the need for a new vision and adaptation is felt everywhere. In an ever more complex world, it is by no means becoming easier to solve problems, which hinder ones ability to think and act.

As a result, the need for people who approach problems and solutions with creativity, innovation and experience, is now more pronounced than ever. OCEANROAMERS and it's partners rely on a competent, international team of experts, specialized in the consulting, development and realization of projects in the international tourism and marine industry.

With our experience in the implementation of innovative projects, we prepare your operation and natural environment for the future, and support you in the best way possible. Because of the wide scope of different projects under our management, we have the unique ability to combine various talents and expertise tailored to your needs and your location.

Creating concepts that are not only economically sustainable, but more importantly bringing a positive environmental impact.

As a tourism - marine company, profit comes from numerous realized projects, continuous market observations and excellent international contacts.

"Show you Care, Recommend and Share."


Light commercial and public service dive jobs on Air. S&R, S&S, Surveys, Maintenance of diving and boating equipment.

S & R / Salvage

Throughout more than 3 decades, of professional diving experience, and education; leads the way in emergency situations. Locating/Recovery of people or objects, in large search area's, or in difficult places is our specialty.

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Surveys & Construction

Above and underwater Jetty or Ship inspection, with video, and full reporting. Underwater mapping, environmental impact surveys. Feasibility studies. All reports, delivered to the highest, international standards. Construction, installation of floating jetties, terraces, homes.

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Marine Maintenance

Planning and management of dry dock maintenance for vessels < 75 Tons. In water repairs on small vessels, body works and ship restoration projects. Diving and Boating equipment maintenance, including dive tanks, compressors, outboard/inboard engines.

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